
The ACCT is thermology’s most trusted support partner.
We’ve been providing thousands of healthcare professionals with training and certification, practice management tools, telemedicine access and other membership benefits for over two decades.
When it comes to structuring for success, becoming an ACCT member is the best choice.

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About Thermology

Thermology can play an integral part in monitoring and maintaining health and wellbeing over a patient’s lifetime.
As a non-invasive, completely safe test of physiology, Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging can provide healthcare professionals with unique findings that are adjunctive to other specialized tests that don’t show pain and dysfunction.

‘DITI is often the missing piece of the clinical puzzle’.

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About us

The American College of Clinical Thermology (ACCT) is one of the longest established, largest and most trusted professional organizations dedicated to the advancement of thermology and thermography through education, research, innovation and professional development.

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